Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 17: My Proudest Moment(s)

Aren't I lovely? That's what 24 hours
of IV fluids does to you.

More IV fluid filled memories.
I'm a mom, so I think the natural answer to that question would be "the day my babies were born", so I'll say that. 

For now.

I'm planning on having some proud moments in my life in the next few years. What are those?

  • I'll be pretty dang proud when we close on our new house! 
  • I'm also going back to school (with very many thanks to the great USofA and the commonwealth of Virginia for an awesome college grant!) and when I complete that, I'll be proud of myself! It'll be a tough few years, but I'm pretty optimistic. 
  • I'm running my very first 5k in September! I'm not a runner by any means of the word, so I'll feel accomplished and proud that day, too!

Check out some other proud bloggers here! I'd love to hear yours, too!


  1. I am so proud to have such a great wife that is doing so many great things for herself and our family!! I love you!!

  2. I can't top your first comment but brilliant that youre still making challenges for yourself. Good luck with you 5k run, thats a great achievement - from a fellow non runner! x

    1. Thank you! I'm really excited about the 5k, I feel like it'll really show me that I CAN do what I put my mind to!

  3. Congrats on your lovely family, going back to college and even just entering for a 5K takes guts!
